Goddesschild - Pendulum and Angel Card Reading in Castleford
Chat with Goddesschild - Pendulum and Angel Card Reading in Castleford online. 10-15 years of experience in Angel Card Reading. ABOUT ME: Certified intuitive tarot card reader, numerologist, reiki and pranic healer. MATTERS THAT I CAN HELP YOU WITH: General predictions - what is to come? Yes-No's using tarot and pendulum. What he/she thinks about you. Will he/she come back? Current dynamics in your relationship - what is going on & how will things work in the future? Compatibility between 2 people - be it with your partner, friend, coworkers, or boss. Timelines using the tarot alone or in combination with numerology. Life path / Destiny. Career path and your innate talents and inclinations - using the tarot and your birth numbers. Money enhancement. Lucky colors/days/directions. Favorable and unfavorable times - knowing which you can decide to surge ahead or lie low at the moment. Your daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly forecasts - in matters of home, love, career, and travel, using a daily card as well as your personal numbers. Travel and relocation. Negative energy affecting or blocking your progress (An interesting thought....a spiritual guru in India said..."In the name of positive thinking, even if you ignore negativity, negativity will not ignore you"....and that is so true!) Energy cleansing of your body, chakras (the energy points corresponding to the nerve plexuses), aura (your etheric body). Cutting of negative cords. Emotional healing. Manifestation. Reunion if it is in your highest good, as indicated in your reading....and also if I see such inclination in the other party, and not against their free will. Sometimes it so happens that letting go is for your highest good and also respectful of the other's free will. Spiritual lessons and special messages. NOW, A LITTLE INFO ABOUT MY TAROT READING STYLE: As many of you would already know, the Tarot is a great, great tool – for making predictions, for psychoanalysis, for insights, answers, and outcomes. Reading the Tarot, for me, is a pretty simple affair. It is very simply about trusting what I see in my cards. For me, there are no good or bad cards as such....it is all about reading a card in the 'context' of the surrounding cards. ...it is about seeing the whole picture that a tarot spread shows....and treading on the gray zones, because life is not all black or all white anyways. The Tarot shows you what is possible - and does not take away your free will. When doing your reading, I won’t mince words - my preference being to give you a reading that is compassionately honest than devise a lie to temporarily fool you. There will be times when you will hear things that you don’t like to hear....which of course will never be easy on you. There will also be times when your reading will tell you about some out-of-the-blue happy surprises that can make you drop your lower jaw.....like coming into big money, going off on an exotic vacation, having a baby when you are not really planning for one, or falling head over heels in love – all that sounds good, eh?? Those kinds of readings can be really fun. During some of the tougher indications from tarot, place your faith in Providence and Its plans for your highest good. The tarot is a caring guide....it’s basically a book on your life – where in your reading, the page opens to your present....and I merely translate! It might please you to know that I read fast, which saves you a great amount of your time and credits. I usually type in the private room so that you can keep a copy of the transcript for your reference. And I type fast too - if that helps! A good way to ask questions of the Tarot is – “What must I know about so and so...or such and such situation?”...but then it really is up to you how you want to frame your questions. I am here to guide you if you want to frame your questions in the most respectful manner for the Tarot. You can read the tarot on just about anything – at least that’s been my experience. However, for psychological and ethical reasons, we don’t read or predict about death......and what fun is that anyway? One should be more concerned about life and living it up.... IMAO. Regards accuracy, A LOT OF TIMES, an intuitive and well-versed tarot reader can give you really accurate readings....like 95-100%. But claims of being ALWAYS 100% ACCURATE are frankly a joke. You know better than to buy such false claims or marketing gimmicks. Any genuine professional will try the utmost best to be as accurate and helpful as he/she can but speaking for myself, I have NEVER met anyone who is 100% perfect or accurate....not just in esoterics....but also in the more regular or mundane professions such as surgery, medicine, business, teaching, legal...and just about any profession. So no....I am not 100% accurate either, which is very humbling, but I can confidently say my success rate is high! :-) Another thing - please GIVE YOUR READINGS TIME, because only time can validate or prove a reading's veracity. It is a good practice to relax a bit...maybe even say a small prayer asking The Almighty to help you get the best guidance from the Tarot, before you come in to the private room with your questions. And....SMILE......a tarot reading is to guide you....and inform you about the possible outcomes. It does not take away your free will to change things or handle your situation better, really. Being forewarned is forearmed....as they say. The real power lies WITHIN YOU. So use the tarot as your way shower or guide along your life's way. Stay composed and enjoy your tarot reading. :-) If you choose to get a healing, any healing will usually take more sessions....for your information. YOUR FEEDBACKS & TESTIMONIALS: I'd be happy and grateful if you are so kind as to leave a feedback/testimonial after each of your private readings. In case the testimonial page does not load for any reason, you can always write in your feedback to the Support team via email - help@oranum.com. IMPORTANT: *As per site rules, there should be NO EXCHANGE of any kind of personal contact info such as FB or Skype Ids, email Ids, phone numbers, etc. So kindly do not give out such info in my free chat or in the private room. I'll be compelled to inform management about members who break this rule. **Free readings and answers are not allowed to be fair to the other experts working here as well as to be fair to the paying members – unless we pick some member for a short demo. ***Refrain from discussing your personal matters in free chat where other members/experts could be eavesdropping on the conversation as guests. ****QUESTIONS ABOUT MY PERSONAL LIFE WONT BE ENTERTAINED. THANK YOU FOR VISITING MY PAGE - STAY BLESSED. LIVE, LAUGH, LOVE! :-)
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